POV – An Insider’s Look at Genopets’ Much-Anticipated Private Beta

The Genopets Beta and the upcoming KI launch are two significant milestones toward the Summer game release. 

The Genopets Beta

Genopets is one of the most awaited games on Solana, a chain with many promising gaming projects for Web3. So at Web3Wire, we decided to try the beta and find out what’s up their sleeve.

As demand was so big, the project decided to test the waters with a private beta, available only to active Discord members and NFT holders. Before the game launches in July or August, the team will open the beta to anyone else(Public Beta) interested in getting a free Baby Genopet early.

“Over the last few months, we’ve been building alongside the community in private beta. Invitations to play had been sent out exclusively to active members of our community and Genesis NFT holders. Today there are about 10,000 players in the beta from a waitlist of more than 200,000 ready to join Public Beta soon. Our next major milestone to launch is KI Token coming on Monday 6/20,”  told Jay Chang, Co-Founder of Genopets, exclusively to Web3Wire.

Source: Genopets team

In the beta, players can convert their real-life steps into Energy to evolve their Genopet, making it more valuable as it goes through different life stages. Then, once the game is ready, users can use that Energy to develop their pet, convert it to the utility token KI, or purchase new habitats, toys, skins, and other Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Hatching a Baby Genopet

Starting the game, players can summon their Stage 1 Genopet for free and use their daily Energy to evolve it. Genopets are designed to represent their owners and accompany them on a journey to develop healthier habits. 

In this process, players are invited to answer some questions that create the personality of their pets. And the moment the Genopet hatches, it’s encoded with the traits it will naturally develop. https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamable.com%2Fo%2Fbvin2p&display_name=Streamable&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamable.com%2Fbvin2p&image=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn-cf-east.streamable.com%2Fimage%2Fbvin2p.jpg%3FExpires%3D1655895060%26Signature%3DgAhJiVM422EuwaE2qriKBAQlBJH-tnRo9ozQ1KcjICKknZkt9ed223Ux6h5Q8b%7ECdH1HWJi7NyWglG87uIY7ZQzgnxLA3KOkU7b5yR9hAMXqLKL3Ti5jfwnnKwXDUM33gdsIL3sJJBydOjBFCOPUE%7Ee6ROW%7ErRHQcMaPp6V%7EmnWJ6BUQiKt-C2By8NOzqIrCyT7NbHTlvHBMzuI6MdK8aU4ByPwiVK2JNymbmKFAduJiV6rxl43X3-KEzsexGOQ4zFB5CXYUQALoZzjyC4sgi%7EIENpj2Qbip9xqf1fyc7nv4L6FBRPRwAWzVGEwgefCQ03zd4ejMlgDR%7EyUH4VXDLw__%26Key-Pair-Id%3DAPKAIEYUVEN4EVB2OKEQ&key=96f1f04c5f4143bcb0f2e68c87d65feb&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=streamable

Banking Steps

After summoning their Genopet, users can start banking their steps and provide feedback on Discord. The devs then use many suggestions to keep the Android and iPhone apps updated, preventing cheating, improving the UI, or fixing errors. https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamable.com%2Fo%2F07fv1h&display_name=Streamable&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamable.com%2F07fv1h&image=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn-cf-east.streamable.com%2Fimage%2F07fv1h.jpg%3FExpires%3D1655895420%26Signature%3DYRKFNU5N8TCQS6zYN-Hfx79Kntrf88wOZpnrdffjfGcPCvOjSsGO5E4a6XerKOJYK4l-d%7E8bwWGJiqVdLTn3V63mpRG-lxNhjrOu7SWnw4p%7EfrxGucdg06dtfXaQSjxUZ7nphoC0VhKsLvqvxCnFE01r83MDQAwN%7EYuOroDKCpxrWZCz7xlN-jLWIADIditH17KQoZka-qcw-s66GO30IJrEcRpJf%7EnZ5YC3eesehdQFgz9mDsvDX9PWhUquGZVv4PXsQgW0Ux59P5041esfcbE7ldZLR-wFpGeyHBYGX4yV%7EV065sqJq5-FN2549wjU4YEOpVqAO1fu5O1saBMzIg__%26Key-Pair-Id%3DAPKAIEYUVEN4EVB2OKEQ&key=96f1f04c5f4143bcb0f2e68c87d65feb&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=streamable

KI Token Launch

Another significant milestone for Genopets is around the corner, as it launches $KI on June 20. The token will be sold in a dynamic pricing launch—via Strata’s pricing protocol—and airdropped to GENE stakers to bootstrap its liquidity ahead of the public beta.

Some KI use cases include:

Craft NFTs

Mint Habitats

Convert into Energy to level up

Refine crystals


Launch Tokenomics

Tokens Available in Launch: 20,000,000 KI (⅓ of the initial KI Token supply)

KI Vested Airdrop to GENE Stakers: 20,000,000 KI (⅓ of the initial KI Token supply)

Protocol Designated Liquidity: 20,000,000 KI (⅓ of the initial KI Token supply)

Starting Price: 0.50 USDC

Starting Supply: 40,000,000 + (20,000,000 / 90) KI Token vested each day for 90 days from the airdrop to GENE stakers

Check out Web3Wire News’ article going a bit deeper into the Genopets dual-token economy.

Closing Thoughts

Seeing how the team has been delivering quality updates since the project launched last year and how well the beta is going, it’s no surprise the excitement around the game keeps building. 

In addition, the founders don’t shy away from the Genovian community, providing regular and well-thought-out updates, as seen in their recent Town Hall on Youtube. This is especially valuable in a context where many teams choose to remain anonymous.

It remains to be seen if Genopets successfully creates a sustainable model in the long term, as many Play– and MoveToEarn projects fail. However, the team told Web3Wire that sustainability and fun had been the guiding principles of their game economy, and some recent Litepaper changes show precisely that. 

So, hopefully, projects start learning from others’ past mistakes.

What is Genopets:

Genopets is a free-to-play mobile NFT RPG that transforms your everyday activities into enchanting gameplay, making it enjoyable and rewarding to live an active lifestyle. Your digital Genopet is as rare and unique as you are, imbued with your personality and formed in your likeness. When you gamify your daily routine, self-care no longer feels like a chore.

Every step you take unlocks new features, story progression, aesthetic customization, performance improvements, and, of course, the evolution of your Genopet, increasing its rarity. Genopets’ patented move-to-earn mechanic is a potent reminder that the more you invest in yourself, the more you’ll appreciate, especially with a Genopet by your side.

Where to find Genopets:

Website | Twitter | Discord | Litepaper

Source : web3wire.news

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