TribeLand AMA Recap

Solana_Daily hosts TribeLand: #Metaverse #Gamefi #Tribeland #SolanaDaily #SOL

Solanda_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

Dandy Rabi: I’m glad to be here with you guys today.

Solanda_Daily Admin: Happy to hear, ready for our AMA?

Dandy Rabi: I’m ready!

Q1: Could you please introduce us to TribeLand the team experience?

Dandy Rabi: My name s Dandy Rabi, currently the CEO of Tribeland project. I have been working in the crypto market for the last 4 years. I have worked for several Defi and game projects till last year and decided to create my own team to build my own idea. It took me 3 months to gather the current Tribeland team.

The Tribeland Team consists of people with rich experience in their own field of expertise. What we have in common is our passion for games and blockchain technology. Sitting together, we realize that we can make the gamers’ dream come true, and that’s how Tribeland was born.

Q2: Did you raise funds so far? If so, how did you handle them? Are you planning to do any future raises?

Dandy Rabi: We do not have a Private sale. Instead, we have raised 3M USD by selling 50% of the in-game territories in our first phase for private investors. This was also our strategy to avoid selling pressure from private investors. We only raise through our IDO.

For IDO, we will do on @solster_finance_chat, @anypad_chat, and our own Auction. Details will be announced in the next few days.

Q3: What role does the token play in the Tribe Land ecosystem?

Dandy Rabi: We have 2 tokens: $TRBL and $SHELL

$TRBL can be considered a type of digital asset as it shares the same characteristics with other types of valuable digital assets. $TRBL has many use cases, which help it retain a certain inherent value associated with the development of Tribeland. Tribeland’s Tokenomics is designed to preserve Decentralization to ensure no single party can fully control Tribeland’s system.

Use cases of $TRBL:

+ Buy and own Territories in the game.

+ Increase voting power in T-DAO decisions.

+ Reduce fees on the Marketplace and Auction House.

+ Redeem $SHELL to use as an in-game currency.

+ Incentives for Liquidity Providers of $TRBL on Raydium.

+ $TRBL stakeholders will receive a part of the revenue of the entire Ecosystem, based on the amount of $TRBL they are holding.

$SHELL is the main currency used in the game. The primary purpose is to reward in-game activities and support the development of the Tribeland ecosystem without affecting the value of $ TRBL and the business governing the system.

$SHELL is an inflationary currency, meaning there will be no total supply of $SHELL, and T-DAO can decide to print more.

When the game launches at the end of 2021, 300 million $SHELL will be released to the market. As a result, players can exchange $TRBL for $SHELL at a 1:1 exchange rate in a short period of time after the launch event. After that, the exchange rate will change based on the game development and the market demand.

Q4: How far along are you with your roadmap and what should we expect in the next weeks and months?

Dandy Rabi: Our roadmap will be divided into several phases. Each phase will have different goals. Our ultimate goal is to create a fully decentralized metaverse, where the player-base and community can have complete control over the entire operations of the game.

1st Era:

2021-2022: Product Development and User Acquisition. In the first phase of our development, we will focus on finishing our products, especially the base game and in-game DeFi hub. The first major expansion of Tribeland will also be available at the end of 2022.

This is also the period where we are building the loyal player-base for our ecosystem. Many incentives and rewards will be granted to players in this period.

2nd Era:

2023 – 2024: Introducing T-DAO and Ecosystem Growth. The second phase of our development will focus on decentralizing the game ecosystem. Tribe Council will be selected, voting features will be implemented, allowing users to vote for gaming balance.

We expect the number of monthly active users will range from at least 100,000 to 200,000 users during this phase.

Another Major expansion will be released at the end of 2023.

3rd Era:

Fully Decentralization and Ecosystem Blooming.

At this point, the token supply will be fully dilute, and the Tribe Council will take charge of the game direction entirely.

The main developers will still be working to follow the direction of the community, with monthly incentives given to the devs. We expect this to be the phase where the player-base overgrows, as most of the core products are already released. The expected number of Monthly Active Users will be between 500,000 – 1 million at least.

All in all, this roadmap will be adapted according to the developing situation. But the general idea is, it will take us 4 years to make Tribeland one of the most played Blockchain games in the space, with a fully functional ecosystem and heavily DeFi-integrated products that help maintain our inherent values in-game assets.

As in the near future, we will release the beta version of the game shortly after the IDO. You will be able to play our beta version in January 2022.

Q5: I was able to see images of your game and it looked very nice but could you tell me about how demanding your game will be for the devices and what kind of graphics will TribeLand have when it is released? Will the game be available for phones or only PC?

Dandy Rabi: We know that the community plays a big role in the success of a project. Therefore, mass adoption is an important goal for us. From the start, we have planned to build the game not just on pc, but also other platforms, from android/IOS, to PS and XBOX. We want everyone to enjoy Tribeland with whatever they have, at any time they want. That is also the reason why we choose to make our game 2D, for that any device will be able to run smoothly.

Q6: Audit is important for both trust and security? Have you done any audit of your project?

Dandy Rabi: We were audited by beosin, this is the Audit for our IDO:

Q7: On your website you express that the #AxieInfinity project is becoming the highest revenue project, but how will Tribeland overcome this? What will be your strategy?

Dandy Rabi: Axie Infinity is now the highest revenue Play-to-Earn game. But the fact is, Tribeland and Axie Infinity are not in the same game genre. We always see Axie Infinity as a teacher, but never a competitor.

Axie Infinity taught us a lot about how great the crypto community is that is always open to new things, how big the game can become, and in which way we should listen to the community.  We have our own strategy of developing the game, but we don’t need a strategy to overcome Axie Infinity. You can check out about Tribeland roadmap and other details here:

Q8: Where can we find out more about TribeLand on social media?

Dandy Rabi: You always can easily get your information in our homepage and social links:









Solanda_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with TribeLand.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Dandy Rabi: Thank you for bring us such an opportunity to promote Tribeland to this lovely community.

Together we will make it a great project to benefit all players and investors.

Solanda_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for TribeLand.

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