Credix Talks Tool to Help Poverty and More With DeFi Direct

Credix is in the early stages of a grand mission to help democratize credit.

Credix Founders With Big Vision

Two leaders from the executive team at Credix joined the DeFi Direct livestream on Thursday, December 2nd. Founder/CEO Thomas Bohner, and Co-Founder/CGO Chaim Finizol, were hot to explore the many reasons why Credix can help democratize financial accessibility. 

Bohner and Finizol explained the origins of their new company and its goals, both seeded in an effort to transform credit opportunities within Decentralized Finance (DeFi). The role and usage of credit is the base of nearly all finance in the modern world and it nearly all channels through banks and major financial institutions. Credix is on a mission to liberalize and democratize access to loans, credit, and a chance at something greater.

“We’re bringing accessibility to credit and loans that don’t exist in traditional finance,” Finizol told GoonTrades. “Making loans accessible to more people, and their accessibility not just controlled by banks, this is a tool out of poverty.” 


Credix is aiming at building out its protocol by establishing relationships with financial investors for emerging markets. The team explained that these emerging markets like Latin America and Africa are where they find themselves most needed. The growth potential for themselves and their service is massive

The team at Credix is on a major mission to help radically transform the financial industry. The need for credit is beyond imaginable and can make a difference for myriad small investors. The next step for Credix is to attract larger players, a feat they acknowledge as difficult but developing. 

The team at Credix is revolutionizing finance by using credit to help liberate millions from poverty and inaccessibility to aspects of traditional finance that for centuries were sequestered to privileged groups. 

Be sure to check the DeFi Direct YouTube channel for an uploaded recording in the coming days. And remember, DeFi Direct has a non-stop list of great protocols on the bill. 


What is Credix

Credix is a decentralized finance (DeFi) 2.0 credit marketplace that is built on the Solana blockchain network. The marketplace connects both institutional and retail investors with credit financial technology firms in emerging markets. Essentially, the platform bridges DeFi with centralized finance (CeFi), i.e., real-world assets, providing investors a stable yield without exposure to the volatility inherent to cryptocurrencies. Currently, Credix works with more than ten credit fintech firms and is accessible for accredited investors. It will be launched for retail investors in Q1 2022. The platform is highly focused on the Latin American markets to capitalize on the size of the market, the extreme lending interest rate, and the team’s expertise in the markets.

Find more about the Credix here:

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