What Is Star Atlas? How Much Does It Cost To Play Star Atlas?

Star Atlas has an innovative deflationary mechanism that allows players to engage in riskier activities for greater rewards.

What is Star Atlas?

Star Atlas is a metaverse-meets-crypto RPG game in which players can time-travel to the year 2620. This game is to explore the cosmos through virtual experiences.  The human race, alien species, and robotic species are the three main groups that makeup Star Atlas’ Realm. In order to compete for resources and establish dominance over a region, players must choose their factions and participate in faction wars.

In addition to the thrilling guild war mode, Star Atlas will bring back well-known ideas like combat, farming, and crafting systems. Traveling through space to find new, interesting planets with buried treasures is the game’s main objective. As a result, there is an even greater incentive for players to explore these areas in search of valuable in-game resources. As a result, players could use the Play-to-Earn concept to earn money while they role-played various professions.

How does Star Atlas work?

The Solana blockchain is used in the Star Atlas universe because of its scalability, speed, and low transaction costs. The Nanite system, one of the most sophisticated game design engines available, was used to create Unreal Engine 5.

With a peer-to-peer in-game economy that uses non-fungible tokens to represent land, assets, and other items. However, the game capitalizes on the craze surrounding Metaverse technology and play-to-earn gaming (NFTs). The Serum decentralized exchange, which is based on the Solana network, serves as the main economic engine in the game. Without the assistance of an intermediary business keeping custody of these assets, Serum enables players to trade their in-game goods directly with one another.

Source : coingape

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