By Web3WireNFT
The PlayandOwn project announced that their Base Builder Construction and Management game mode is now in it’s production phase.
Dev Update
Tiny Colony, a Solana based blockchain gaming project, issued their first ever game development update.
The team announced the news through a tweet on their official Twitter account on April 4. The Tiny Colony team has been busy with developing the Base Builder Construction and Management game mode in its pre-production phase. The team was delighted to announce that the game mode is advancing to its production stage.
“The Tiny Colony team and game development team at iLogos have been continuing to tirelessly build the Tiny Colony game! We are very excited to provide an update and some sneak peeks,” said Tiny Colony in their Medium post. “The current focus from the team has been the Base Builder Construction & Management game mode. Now that we have moved to the production stage for this mode, we are starting the pre-production stage of our next game mode, Gladiator Wars.”

The pre-production phase was divided into four major parts – game design, art, visualization, and UI/UX. The Tiny Colony game bible, concept document, and pre-production feature details have been completed on the game design front. In terms of the art, the initial game mock-up and base layout, as well as the character game redesign and animations have been completed. The UI/UX updates focused on the completion of basic game layouts, UI stylization, and UX flow. The team did mention that, in terms of visualization, they optimized the art for both in-game and NFT visuals.
Read the whole announcement on Tiny Colony’s Medium post to find out more about the progress of the development of the game
What is Tiny Colony?
Built on the Solana blockchain, Tiny Colony is an expansive pixelated metaverse where players can construct their own colony. Colonies constructed and managed correctly can earn tokens by joining quests or participating and wagering in battles. Spend those tokens purchasing more NFTs for your colony or for repairs of your base after a battle.
Where to find Tiny Colony:
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